
PEMF Therapy

Science teaches us that everything in the universe is energy. All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Every organ in the body produces it own signature bioelectromagnetic field. Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.

"The Body contains multiple electromagnetic fields with each tissue and organ having a unique electromagnetic signature, CAT scans and MRI take advantage of these unique signatures to create a map of the body's tissues using pulsed electromagnetic fields.While the diagnostic benefits of PEMF's are accepted and widely used,medical practitioners are still realizing the therapeutic benefits of PEMF's"

K. Holden:M.D

Now just imagine, reaching into the body and healing an imbalance without touching anything. This is what magnetic fields do. This is the essence of energy medicine. These “waves” are the future medicine. Magnetic fields are “like a breeze in the trees”. The branches and leaves are moving but nothing is seen to be doing it. The body is like air to a magnetic field. The body is transparent to these fields. This is the magic potential of magnetic fields.

How Do Magnetic Fields Affect Cells?

All cells in the body share common components, regardless of their type. One of the common constituents of all cells are ions. Ions are positively and negatively charged particles that conduct electro-magnetic pulses from within the cell. The electro-magnetic pulses allow the cell to function. Without ions, a cell can not live.

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields influence cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases the oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Improved calcium transport increases absorption of calcium in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints, decreasing pain dramatically. Acute and even chronic pain - also caused by osteoporosis - may disappear completely.

There are many scientific studies on the degree of effectiveness of Pulsed Magnetic Field therapy. It was found that disturbances in blood circulation and in metabolism play a key role in the development of diseases. Application of pulsed electro magnetic energy is based on more than 30 years of worldwide research carried out by renowned scientists. In addition there are many years of practical experience by thousands of physicians.

Scientific Proof

The efficiency of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been proved and demonstrated in many different ways over the years.

  • Dark field microscopy proves that clustering in the erythrocytes can be cleared. This leads to: improved viscosity of the blood, improved blood flow, enlargement of the surface area, increased oxygen levels and reduced risk of thrombosis.
  • Bone density measurements reveal a significant increase in bone density after treatment over a fairly long period of time.
  • Infrared thermography measurements show a warming of the skin caused by improved circulation or rather a widening of the capillaries.
  • The measurement of the skin conduction potential at acupuncture meridian points (PROGNOS) method records the regulation of energy in the body.
  • A combined bio feedback measurement demonstrates he optimisation of a large number of bodily functions after only a few minutes of treatment with pulsed magnetic fields.

Photoplethysmography measurements indicate on average a 45% improvement in circulation in the area of microcirculation and an average increase of 25% in blood oxygen levels.

Regenerating Function - Bones

  • Osteoporosis particularly after the menopause (referring to both prophylaxis and therapy)
  • Sudeck's disease (post-traumatic osteoporosis)
  • Status after bone fracture and fissure; status post surgery on the skeletal system where, for example, bones have been set using screws or pins.
  • Status after implantation of endoprosthesis (to prevent slackening)
  • Development of pseudoarthrosis (false joint) after unstable fractures

Regenerating Function - Soft Tissues

  • Trauma following accidents with or without the skin being broken
  • Burns
  • Pressure sores (decubital ulcer)

Relaxing Function - Calming the Autonomic System

  • Neurodystonia (imbalance of the nervous system eg. attacks of perspiration)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Prophylactic relaxation effect to counteract everyday stress
  • Stress in the general sense of the word, particularly after long periods of physical effort ("distress")
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Neuroses

Increased Oxygen Supply

  • In aerobic cell respiration (increased stamina in athletic performance)
  • In anaerobic cell respiration (more rapid regeneration as a result of expulsion of lactates and faster incorporation of glycogens into muscle cells)
  • General increase in metabolism owing to increase in combustion processes within the cells (mitochondria)

Improved Circulation

  • Circulatory problems: in vascular disease caused by diabetes and sclerosis (arteriosclerosis), in varicose veins with ulcers
  • Accelerated absorption of bruises (haematomas)
  • Expulsion of lymph edema

Pain Alleviation in Bones and Joints

  • Degeneration of the spin and the bones and joints in the arms and legs (knee, hip, elbow and shoulder etc)
  • Rheumatic joint inflammations (eg. polyarthritis)
  • Inflammations leading to stiffening in the vertebrae (eg. Bechterev's disease)
  • Joint injuries (eg. from sport)

Pain Alleviation in Soft Tissue

  • Non-articular rheumatism (fibromyalgia)
  • Connective tissue injuries (eg. post-surgery, scar pain)
  • Migraines

Photodynamic (AKA red light) Therapy

Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman use of Light Therapy

Since the dawn of time, the medicinal properties of light have been recognized and utilized for healing.   Ancient Egyptians constructed solariums fitted with colored glass to harness specific colors of the visible spectrum to heal disease.  It was the Egyptians who first recognize that if you color glass it will filter out all of the other wavelengths of the visible spectrum of light and give you a pure form of red light, which is 600-700 nanometer wavelength radiation.  Early use by the Greeks and Romans emphasized the thermal effects of light. 

Light therapy or phototherapy (classically referred to as heliotherapy) consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using lasers, light-emitting diodes, dichroic lamps or very bright, full-spectrum light, usually controlled with various devices. The light is administered for a prescribed amount of time and, in some cases, at a specific time of day.

Red and Infrared Light can be very healing and regenerative.

Red Light is a great stress reliever and is very beneficial to metabolism.

Due to the large amount of time we spend indoors, we are often deficient in exposure to Infrared Energy.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy

  • Promotes relaxation and a sense of calm energy
  • Reduces anxiety and irritability
  • Helps you fall asleep and get a deeper, more restful night’s sleep
  • Soothes inflamed tissues
  • Great for: Headaches, Sinus pain and pressure, Nasal congestion, Sore throats, Ear aches, Coughing
  • Can be applied over the skin, muscles, and joints to reduce swelling or pain
  • Accelerates wound healing of the skin

Generally promotes youthful, healthy skin

Subnormal temperatures cause a shift from phagocytosis to inflammation. Light, especially the red light which penetrates easily into tissues, activates the formation of new cells as well as their differentiation.

It affects energy production, increasing the formation of mitochondria, and the activity of the DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Red light accelerates wound healing, and improves the quality of the scar, reducing the amount of fibrosis. The daily cycling between darkness and light is an important factor in regulating the birth and differentiation of cells.

Light Therapy Is Used For Many Areas

We live in troubled times in which we are losing the battle with health care costs, lack of insurance, losing our jobs, etc. and have to start taking the time and responsibility for our own health. We have to start thinking outside of the box in terms of what we can do for our own health

Red light therapy has found many uses in different areas. For example, it is used to treat a variety of skin diseases and it is used to treat mood and sleep related disorders as well. Let us have a look at the various places where light therapy is being used.


It has been known since a long time that sunlight helps cure the bacteria which cause acne. The visible violet light which is present in the sunlight activates a porphyrin that damages and kills the bacteria which cause acne. And this process does not cause any tanning or sunburn. This treatment has proved to be more effective than Benzoyl Peroxide which is often used to cure acne.

Infrared LED light stimulates your skin to produce collagen and elastin. The infrared light produced by LED lamps, aka photo rejuvenation, stimulates fibroblast cell activity in the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin—the proteins responsible for your skin’s tone and elasticity.


One of the common problems of people suffering with psoriasis is skin inflammation. Narrow band ultra violet B rays are given as a light therapy on the skin surface which is inflamed. The ultra violet rays help suppress the inflammation on the skin.

Wound Healing

It has been found that infrared light releases nitrous oxide in the blood stream which increases the circulation of blood in the area where the light is directed. This is very helpful for people, who due to various diseases such as Diabetes find it very difficult to heal wounds on the surface of the skin. This is also helpful for patients suffering with Neuropathy, Ulcers and for patients whose blood circulation is improper

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

People with seasonal affective disorder go into depression like states during the winter months. This is seen in places where the amount of daylight is very less in these seasons (countries near the North Pole, for instance). The cure for these people is full sunlight. So, light boxes which replicate sunlight conditions are used for these patients. These use artificial illumination to re-create the fully lighted atmospheric conditions that are normally present in sunlight.


This is a non-seasonal kind of depression. But light therapy has shown interesting results in the treatment of such patients as well. A similar kind of treatment method is followed for treating these patients as with the people affected with SAD. The results are faster compared to the use of anti-depressants.


Sleep disturbances increase as we age. Some studies report more than half of seniors 65 years of age or older suffer from chronic sleep disturbances. Researchers have long believed that the sleep disturbances common among the elderly often result from a disruption of the body’s circadian rhythms — biological cycles that repeat approximately every 24 hours. In recent years, scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center and elsewhere have demonstrated that red light is the most effective at stimulating the circadian system when combined with the appropriate light intensity, spatial distribution, timing, and duration.

Can Red light therapy to improve vision?

There have been many studies testing the ability of red light to heal a number of retinal diseases, including age-related macular degeneration and amblyopia, which we’re going to take a look at now.

10 patients served as controls and 193 patients with and without cataracts received four treatments of near-infrared laser therapy over a period of two weeks.

Power:   7.5mW
Wavelength:    780nm
Dose:   1.2 J/cm2

The treatment “significantly improved visual acuity” in 95% of eyes with cataracts and in 97% of eyes without cataracts.  In addition, patients with wet AMD had reduced edema and bleeding.  “The improved vision was maintained for 3-36 months after treatment (Ivandic BT, et al. 2008).”

Vision improved in patients with Ambylophyia (lazy eye)

In 2012 the same researchers conducted a study to see if near-infrared laser therapy could improve visual acuity in young and old patients with amblyopia.  At the time of the study, amblyopia was believed to be treatable only in children.

178 patients were included; 20 controls received mock treatment and 158 received laser therapy to their eyes for 30 seconds at a distance of 1cm, repeated on average 3.5 times.

Power:  7.5mW
Wavelength:  780nm
Dose:  0.77 J/cm2

The treatment “led to a significant improvement in visual acuity” in 90% of eyes treated in both adolescents and adults. “The treatment effect was maintained for at least 6 months.”

How does red light improve vision?

Red light can interrupt the vicious cycle of stress in a number of ways, but here are two powerful ones.  In fact, I think these are the two primary mechanisms behind the benefits of red light to the eyes in both studies above and in all studies where red light improved vision and helped the eyes heal.

Red light inhibits an enzyme involved with free fatty acid release (lipolysis) called COX-2 (Prianti AC, et al. 2014). 

This breaks the cycle right then and there.  No longer are free fatty acids released, which means they won’t reach the bloodstream, will not be used for energy, and will not result in the production of toxic metabolites, which promote further stress.  But theres’ more.

In diseased eyes, there are likely already many toxic metabolites present in the area that need cleaning up by the body in order to restore proper cellular function

Red light happens to be a powerful antioxidant, so any existing free radical PUFA metabolites will be scavenged, neutralized and eliminated from the area and from the body (Silva Macedo R, et al. 2016).  Between lipolytic inhibition and antioxidant activity, this is why red light is such a powerful medicine for healing eyesight. Of course, for long-term permanent resolution of eye conditions caused by excess unsaturated tissue phospholipids, a dietary change to more highly-saturated fat is essential.  Unsaturated fats that you want to avoid include any oils that are liquid at room temperature.  Fats that are highly stable and around 98% saturated include butter, coconut oil, chocolate fat and beef and lamb fat.  Eating these will slowly over time shift the tissue phospholipid content from unsaturated to more highly saturated, which will result in better function of eye cells, and in all cells of the body.  Cells comprised of stable fats are stable and resistant to oxidation, degeneration and aging.

Happiness, Confidence, Resourcefulness

Brings joy to our workday and strengthens our appetite for life! Red is the best emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses and helps to remove inhibitions and makes us independent and social.
Personality Traits: Enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic, sporty, self-assured, and constructive.

Red shows new possibilities and other options in life. Stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm, and helps assimilate new ideas. It is also helpful in dealing with excess sexual expression.
Red stimulates the lungs, the respiration and the digestion.Increases the activity of the thyroid. Reliefs muscle cramps and spasms. Increases the amount of mother milk. Finally, red links very strongly with the sacral chakra.

Esoteric/magical: Deities of good luck and fortune. Attraction, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, energy, achieving business-goals, investments, success in legal matters.

Preference for red represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.

Aversion to red: A person who has an aversion to red may have suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.


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